Monday, January 28, 2008

Australia Day Long Weekend

Australians all let us rejoice for today we are not at work!

Today my husband and I slept in until 11 am. For us this is very unusual but we could just not bring ourselves to get up and venture out of the bedroom. It was so comfy and cosy in bed and we didn't have any pressing engagements so it seemed sensible to stay right where we were.

I thought that I would post an update on the softies I have been making. A friend of mine is making some wonderful calico rabbits and is going to start selling them of ebay. She invited me to sell some of my creations through her ebay shop front when she sets it up. Since talking to her I have been experimenting with various designs - trying to keep with the bunny theme - with various levels of success.

I would like to present my bunnies:

Blue Bunny 1

This is my first bunny. His head is a little small and his arms a little too big. I also forgot to sew his ears on until the last minute. Oh, and he has no face yet. Other than that I think he is very cute.

Red Bunny frontRed bunny back

This is my second bunny - front and back shot. He is a present for a girl at work who is due to have her first baby any day now. We had a baby shower for her and this was my gift. I had to sew his little face on at work before the morning tea. I hid at my desk and did it quickly so my boss wouldn't see. Not that he would mind too much given the amount of work I do (and the hours of free overtime they get out of me!). He was beautiful and I almost didn't give him away. He did get to hang out on my desk for a little while.

Bunny on desk

I also made some toys for a couple of little boys who are the children of friends of ours. They are both about 6 years old and so cute. Being boys I thought that they might like monkeys and space men. I had patterns for both so I combined them and came up with SPACE MONKEYS!

Space monkeys

I love these little guys. I would make some changes to them in that their little arms a a tad hard to stuff and keep stuffed. Other than that they are perfect. They went down a treat too. One little fellow held on to his the whole time that we were at the park (I gave it to him at our traditional Christmas in the Park dinner). I then received requests from his slightly older brother for a regular monkey. I now have an excuse to make a sock monkey.

I am in the throws of making little bunnies and will post a picture when done. They are proving to be a little more fiddly than I had anticipated but I will persevere - until I get tired and then I will give up and go and get another bowl of ice cream. Making stuff is hot and hungry work you know.


Lushorama said...

Bunnies and Monkeys!!!! Doesn't get any cuter than that - you are very very clever!! I love them!!! I've been thinking about sock-monkeys too, and found this tutorial:

See you soon,

Princess Fiona said...

OOOOOHHHH thanks for leaving a comment. I was very excited to see it. Wait until you see the latest creations. See you at lunch soon.
