Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Last week in Class

Well, this is the last week of our Podcasting course and we have just been playing with a groovy little program. I have created a slideshow/video that you can see below:

This is my first attempt at this and I am quite happy with it given that I didn't take any of the photos. A couple of my friends now have blogs which I think is great and rather exciting. I plan to get more into the blogging side of things on a personal level soon.

I also have an avatar. She dances like me but that is probably where the resemblence ends.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Video Podcasting.

This is a short video of the people in our class for week 7. The last few weeks have gone so quickly.

Last week I was sick with a stomach virus so I am surprised that anything worked after the class last week. Thankfully I am better now - my stomach is still a little tender and doesn't like to be over worked with spicy or rich food.