Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Updated Photo

We have just had new photos taken in class as part of our next project. I think that this is a better one than the wonky one that Rob took last week.

Today is Halloween. Not that I am one for big Halloween celebrations but I did decorate my desk today with balloons and fake spider webs. I also had some glow in the dark skeletons. I would love to drive past work at night and see if there is a ghostly glow coming from my section.

It was interesting to see how many people have come past my desk to grab a lolly from my pumpkin bucket and to make a comment about my decorations.

This is what it must feel like when they decorate their houses in the States and they have masses of people come by and take photos etc.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I am here doing some homework while I wait for my next class. I have just changed the time zone in the settings so I want to see if it works.

Photo with wonky eye

Rob took this photo during our class. I look like I have been drinking. Aaarrgghh.

And the Blog Goes On

Here I am doing my second blog. I have viewed my blog and I must admit that I think my original colour scheme is a little bit, ummmm, not me. Too pink. I will have to learn how to change that toot sweet.

I am looking out the window as I type and it is soooooo nice to be out of the office - I know that I am sitting in front of a computer just like at work but this is different. I want to be here and I want to be doing this.

Rob has just made a really bad joke on his blog. It won't be the last either I fear!!

Princess Fiona's First Blog!


How exciting. I have entered the world of blogging! Now I can subject people other than my husband to the wonderful thoughts that populate my head.

I am actually sitting in my first class and have created this as my first ever blog. It is like ringing someone and getting their answering machine (stay with me as this will make sense). Once you get the beep and you have to leave a message you suddenly don't know what to say. More often than not you leave a garbled message and hope that you sound witty and sophisticated when they check their machine. This is the same thing. Now that I am here I am not sure what to say.

Rob keeps looking over to see what I am typing. He has gone a bit quiet on the keyboard so I think that he is trying to cheat!